Become a Ride Sponsor


Are you ready to become a sponsor for the Bikers Bros and Bo Memorial Ride?

You can fill out the online form and make payment by PayPal/credit/debit, or download the online form and mail with check payment.

9th Annual

PFC Andrew Martin “Bo” Harper

Memorial Ride


Saturday, August 12, 2023


Thank you for your consideration of being a Sponsor of our Memorial Ride.

PFC Harper gave us his all; let’s join forces to show him we will forever be grateful.


Please fill out the online form at the bottom of this page and pay now, or mail in your downloaded form with a check. 

All sponsorships are to be returned by

June 1, 2023

Sponsorship Donation Levels


  • Recognition on print advertisements
  • Radio interview during event live remote
  • Business Name on Event T-Shirt
  • Logo on Bikers, Bros and Bo website
  • Recognition on Bikers Bros and Bo Social Media

SILVER SPONSOR ($250-$499)

  • Recognition on event t-shirts
  • Recognition on print advertisements
  • Recognition on Bikers, Bros & Bo Social Media and website
  • Recognition on event print advertisements and signage

BRONZE SPONSOR ($150-$249)

  • Recognition on print advertisements
  • Recognition on event t-shirts
  • Recognition on Bikers, Bros & Bo website

FRIEND OF THE RIDE ($100- $149)

  • Recognition at final stop
  • Recognition on Bikers, Bros & Bo Social Media


Ready to Sponsor?

Sponsor Form

Sponsorship Details

I would like to be a sponsor for the annual Bikers Bros and Bo Memorial Ride

Or if you prefer to fill out a form, write a check and mail in,  please see below. 


Sponsorship Form 

Then mail to:

Bikers Bros and Bo

P.O. Box 391

Dellslow, WV 26531

Please make checks payable to Bikers Bros and Bo Inc

If you have any questions about being a sponsor, please email us at and we will get back to you soon. Thank You.

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